About Us
"The global challenge we face in the Pyrocene is defined by wildfires, climate change, and a growing scarcity of quality food, energy, and housing," reports worldwide media.
"Speak only if it improves upon the silence," Mahatma Gandhi.

For comprehensive solutions to these challenges, including circular and zero-waste approaches, please consult us.
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Sun Harvesters are the most powerful and flexible solar technology in existence. They harvest 75% of solar radiation and light to reach Earth (maximum productivity) at any latitude or during any season. This is due to its solar reflection and vertical sun tracking. This technology represents a paradigm shift for the 21st Century towards environmental sustainability. It can be regarded as a spark for social change. It is the next step to energy autonomy and the long awaited leap for industry, agriculture and community.

SUN.expert® sun harvester systems generate extreme heat and cold, for liquid and air. Uses include AC (electricity generation), sea water desalination, wastes treatment, waste to energy applications, dehydration, roasting, drying, solar cold and refrigeration, a solution to all water heating and sanitation needs, thermal oil, steam, vegetal waste pyrolysis towards solar carbon (CO2 neutral) and production of syngas, etc. A world of meaningful transformations lies ahead for all users.

This innovative but at the time primordial salt contains 5 times less sodium (80% less sodium). It contains from 20 to 100 times more sea minerals than any other salt even himalayan mine salts etc. It allows users to comply to any salt reduction target without having to sacrifice any salty taste. It is also a completely natural and organic certified product.


This product can save lives, nature, vehicles and property.